"I have worked closely with Randy Skinner and regard him as one of the true leaders in our community. He is truly producing demonstrable results in transforming West Dallas. His citywide movement to end hunger and homelessness are admirable examples of servant leadership and to his commitment to change our community and individual lives. His leadership and perseverance as Chair of Dallas Ethics Commission have made a difference in our city’s government.”
Tom Leppert - Former Dallas Mayor and Former CEO Kaplin, Inc., CEO Turner Corporation
The vision of Transformation Palm Beach County is to develop a caring community where relief workers help facilitate a culture in the neighborhood of caring about the health, housing, education, economic needs, of the community. Through servant leadership the urban relief workers model creates healthy relationships that contribute to a safe environment resulting in trust and open doors for caring relationships. This includes community outreach, educational classes, and counseling, feeding programs, clothing programs, and more.